Tuesday, February 03, 2009

La Quercia - "The best prosciutto imported or domestic you can get in America."

We make artisan salumi using traditional dry curing.
This is a millenia old method that involves salting and drying to
preserve meat and then aging to develop flavor internally. The length
of aging depends on the size of the piece of meat. We use no nitrates,
nitrites or their vegetable derived substitutes. Because we use only 2
(pork and sea salt) or 3 (pork, sea salt, spices) ingredients, the
quality of the meat we use very clearly expresses itself in your eating
experience. And since the animals and the growers are our neighbors, we
directly benefit from and appreciate the extra care and effort involved
in humane and organic animal production.


Monday, February 02, 2009

An open letter to the Western banking establishment.

Re. your unauthorised overdraft


Dear Western banking establishment,


I notice that your unauthorised credit facility from international lenders of last resort now totals approximately $10 trillion. As a taxpayer and therefore your largest shareholder I would be grateful if you could repay this facility at your earliest convenience. I have charged you an additional £30 for this letter and a monthly unauthorised overdraft fee of £28. If you do not repay this facility shortly I will have no choice but to become further massively impoverished along with legions of fellow taxpayers for multiple generations to come.