How to Make Your Own Ergonomic Computer Workstation - Gadgetwise Blog -
Very cool DIY computer desk
May 11, 2009, 4:44 pm
How to Make Your Own Ergonomic Computer Workstation
By Sonia Zjawinski
There’s nothing I like more than peoplewho scoff at expensive home office furniture and, instead, get down and dirty and make their own. Samuel Blanco of Helotes, Tex., did just that when he saw a pricey ergo piece by Biomorph. Rather than pay $430 (minimum — other models cost more than $2,000), he tapped in to his junior-high wood shop skills and custom-designed a desk for his room’s dimensions and computing needs.
Mr. Blanco, a video editor, was using a plastic picnic table as a makeshift desk. “It was quite embarrassing having my Mac Pro and 30-inch Cinema Display sitting on it,” he admits. His goal was to create a desk that didn’t take too much space, had a modern feel and was a smart solution for organizing cables.
He found a DIY project that solved many of his needs on Simplified Building Concepts, and then adjusted it to make it his own. The most significant modifications included not using SBC’s leg system and subbing in Golden Oak ¾-inch plywood for MDF. “I soon found out why they used MDF (edges can be routed cleanly – I substituted edge banding), but am still very glad I used real wood.”
Total Approximate Costs:
Golden Oak Sheet (3/4″ 4X8′): $38
Legs: $58
Articulating Keyboard Arm: $55
Stain and Polyurethane: +/- $15
Edge Banding: $14 (2 rolls)
Wood Filler: $5
Total cost: $185
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May 11, 2009 8:28 pm
This is great but he has the computer against a wall. Isn’t that bad for your eyes?
— MacAholic
May 12, 2009 2:52 am
Put the cpus on bricks to make drives more easily accessible.
— Bernard Dickman
May 12, 2009 8:11 am
I’d recommend more structure underneath, however. His tabletop is finished only one side, which will likely lead to bowing as time goes on.
— JimS
May 12, 2009 9:08 am
I used filing cabinets for my supports. I then had all of my paper files within reach of my desk.
— burnsey
May 12, 2009 11:18 am
Can you now find someone who puts together a hi speed Pc computer system that can run Mac leopard and at a price that doesn’t make fools of us all? That would be useful in these troubled times.
— barry p beckett
May 12, 2009 4:24 pm
Sorry Barry, looks like Uncle Steve has you over a barrel. If you want the Mac OS, you must buy a Mac, as Uncle Steve has decreed. It’s sort of like how evil Bill Gate$ (aka $atan) says that you can only run Windoze on Micro$oft PCs. But hey, I hear that the Mac tax is but a figment of your imagination.
— Antiseptic white box
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